Shoreline between the Ports
Tel Aviv is a coastal city on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea Basin. Summer weather, which prevails during most days of the year, together with easy access and the big city next to the sea attracts both tourists and residents to the area. The shoreline provides a long, narrow public space marking the western boundary of the city, but it also constitutes the line that connects it to its neighbors: Yafo to the south and Herzliya to the north. The Promenade, which is raised above the beach level, supports a variety of sports activities along with views of expansive purple and crimson sunsets.
We will tour toward old Jaffa to the south, between the open spaces of the sea to the west and the architecture of the shoreline to the east. We will pass along broad parks together with the sea breeze until reaching the Shalom coexistence center in Jaffa.
Hilton Hotel
From the top of the kurkar hill above the shoreline, we can view the municipal swimming pool with integrated water sports, fitness room and restaurant facilities, constituting part of the Tel Aviv Marina.

Opera Tower
Opera Tower, which rises 82 m above the beach, is an outstanding example of the postmodern style in Tel Aviv. The Tower's architect has preserved the aesthetic memory of the city's historic opera house.

Charles Clore Garden
An expansive park along the Tel Aviv Promenade leads right up to Jaffa. The green lawns along the line of hotels and the Hassan Bek Mosque have erased the cultural and architectural past of the area, where the Manshiya neighborhood once stood. A water sports site is planned to be built with the support of the municipality at the northern end of the park, which will connect the promenade with the park.